Thursday, January 22, 2009

Monday, December 15, 2008

Dream and my Life

I think that a dream which is one of the most wonderful gifts god has given to us is not wonderful at all.
Wanna know why? Then just read through.
I feel that dreams in some way or the other is hampering my life. When I don't use to have a dreamy night I used to have a very sound sleep. But now when I have started dreaming I find my life to deteriorate.
I feel as if my memory is not as great as it used to be. Now, some times a nightmare cause me to have a sleepless night. Sometimes I feel as if I'm doing very heavy physical exercise, make my sleep a very exhaustive one rather than a pleasant one.
So, I feel that the dreams are good only if they remain dreams rather than becoming a reality and hence disrupting my life. I really miss my old days.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This was written to thank a friend on a forum of Passions in Poetry for listening, supporting me, cheering me up, and basically, just being there for me during a very trying time in my life. I wanted to do something special to thank him, and, since we're both poets, I thought a poem would be a good way to say, "Thank-you."

A Simple Thank-You, My Friend

Into the dim lit, bare walls of my world,You entered, bringing light and life to me,The vivid colors, painted with a swirlOf wit and charm, of personality,With tender care, you added comfort, warmth,And images that line the now bright walls.I look upon them fondly, bringing forthA thankfulness that you walk in these hallsWith me; our friendship has become a part Of my world now; it has its special place,Within my being, life, and in my heart,Your name hangs right beside your smiling face.Rememb'ring just how drab these walls had been,I have to thank you for the light, my friend.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

my personal life

hi...everyone...welcome to my blog about my personal the way i am lanie doce from maayon,capiz...i am studying at hercor college and im taking of bachelor of science in computer science i am a third year student....i have a four brothers and three sisters and i love the sing and dancing,....... i am the 6 of 8 children,i am simple person,but i have a lot of friends,..i am happy because all of my friends is kindly,helpful,understanding and lovable...i love my friends because all of them will help to me if i have a simple problem thanx my dear freinds....thank you very much my parents to given me a simple life.... i have a motto in my life..."when you find faults from some one lovehold on and dont judge nor doubt but trust and understand that some one is doing best to luve you more remember love has nothing to explain...

Again Welcome to my blog and god bless you

lanie's blog

Personal - Top Blogs Philippines


About Me

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i am good person,understanding,humble,lovable and helpful... im good person also to those who are good to me..and im bad to those who are bad to me..